Monthly Archives: March 2015


D’Artagnan had Superficial Pyoderma.  His skin is very sensitive, I know that since I had him as a puppy, someone wanted to shave his belly since the coat was long and he wan’t peeing with his leg up yet so the coat was always soaked. He shaved him and the poor thing cried all night because his skin was scratching. He never got clipped since then.

Superficial Pyoderma 2

So I puchased episoothe shampoo and conditionner. I had a good experience with virbac products so far, although I don’t use them for regular bathing. As soon as I  gave him a bath he felt already much better. He stopped scratching. I had to shampoo him twice a week  for 3 weeks to make his skin less red and scratchy.

I am currently looking for a topical cream to sooth his skin as I can’t make him stop scratching at all.